Friday, October 26, 2012

Kayaking the Grand Canyon of the STIKINE

This summer i was lucky enough to join forces with an awesome crew of guys for a run down the river of my dreams, the Stikine in far northern British Columbia during low flows. The river has stolen my imagination for years, let it steal yours..... a magical place.
Much thanks to Jules Domine and Blair Trotman for their footage.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Adrian Kiernan (AUS) Whitewater Grand Prix Video Entry

Hello Everyone!
If you have never watched any whitewater kayaking movies before, please do yourself a favour and check this one out!
Hope you enjoy my quick video mash up for the Whitewater Grand Prix this year in Chile, Its going to be a sick event, with the worlds best kayakers racing some big big waterfalls and crazy class 5

Please help me out to be selected, as ill likely be the only Australian for this years event! Watch, Enjoy, "Like" and help me "Share" it around so i can get amongst it with the big boys this year!

HUGE thanks to the lovely people at Smitten Marino in Tasmania my home town for their ongoing support in 2012, could not have done it without you guys! Much love!

Adrian Kiernan

Monday, August 13, 2012

WHITE BOX - Ticking Boxes - Norway Video Update

White Box Magazine's newest offering!
From the land that brings you snow covered peaks, trolls, expensive beer, beautiful women and stunning rivers.

Turn up your speakers, crack a beer and come along on a road trip with the boys and let us show you what the crew discovered this summer in norway! What an amazing place - we will be back!

Many Thanks to those who provided food, shelter and hangovers - you know who you are!

Antoine Dupuis ,Adrian Kiernan, Mikel Serasola, Reilly Edwards, Will Hartman Brendan Bayley, Evan Garcia, Fred Norquist, Gerd Serrasolses, Mathias Fossum, Michele Ramazza ,Phil Gibbins,  and Jorg Weidalich

Film by Adrian Kiernan

Cannon 550D
Go Pro HD

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Norway Spring Update

Arriving in Norway early this spring we have been lucky enough to hit a bunch of sweet runs, and film some very epic drops get kayaked. There is a massive crew charging in norway this season and after a bumper spring everyone is fired up and a little scared as to what comes next!

Norway is a damn cold place to be kayaking! My marino's have been keeping me warm and after weeks with out washing them i still smell like an angel

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

WHITE BOX - Europe Update - Hinterrhein Special

I don't know if there is ever a better place to test your gear than on the still frozen Hinterrhein River in Switzerland, to be able to operate with full flexibility and with warmth in your muscles is critical when paddling class 5. My Smitten thermals excelled on this trip, kept me warm, comfy and most importantly smell free!

Touching down in Europe this spring we were lucky enough to hit amongst some other sweet runs, Switzerland's Ultra-Sick, Hinterrhein as the first run of our 2012 season. From what we can gather from the locals this run has not flowed for somewhere between 15-20 years.
A kayaking road trip with the boys through Austria, Switzerland, Slovenia and France!

Many thanks to all those who provided, shelter, food and hangovers (you know who you are!)

Adrian Kiernan

Speak Of The Devil - Hermitude
Project 46 Featuring Andrew Allan - Reasons (origional)

Camera: Go Pro and Canon DSLR

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Pat is on the final Antarctic leg of his continuous run from pole to pole. Check out and also Eric Phillips trip tracker at

He has run at least a marathon a day every day with no rest day since starting at the North pole 6 months ago!!!!