Tuesday, May 15, 2012

WHITE BOX - Europe Update - Hinterrhein Special

I don't know if there is ever a better place to test your gear than on the still frozen Hinterrhein River in Switzerland, to be able to operate with full flexibility and with warmth in your muscles is critical when paddling class 5. My Smitten thermals excelled on this trip, kept me warm, comfy and most importantly smell free!

Touching down in Europe this spring we were lucky enough to hit amongst some other sweet runs, Switzerland's Ultra-Sick, Hinterrhein as the first run of our 2012 season. From what we can gather from the locals this run has not flowed for somewhere between 15-20 years.
A kayaking road trip with the boys through Austria, Switzerland, Slovenia and France!

Many thanks to all those who provided, shelter, food and hangovers (you know who you are!)

Adrian Kiernan

Speak Of The Devil - Hermitude
Project 46 Featuring Andrew Allan - Reasons (origional)

Camera: Go Pro and Canon DSLR